July 29

The Story of Julie: A Plan To Clear A Hoarded Condo


After her life went through a series of difficult transitions, Julie found herself suffering from issues revolving around hoarding. As she faced many internal battles after the breakdown of a relationship and her father falling seriously ill – her external environment became increasingly cluttered. Here, we see how Julie reached out to Brandon Bronaugh and his expert team for hoarder clean up assistance, and how they plan to help her to declutter her condo.

 Julie is a scenic fabricator; she is an expert in her field and builds things amongst the likes of movie sets and museum exhibits. Unfortunately, her life descended into chaos after her elderly father had to relocate to a nursing home after falling ill. Since Julie is an only child, all the pressure fell on her to look after her father. As her father was constantly in and out of the hospital, Julie began to feel under more and more strain. After her dad moved into the nursing home, all his possessions fell into the hands of Julie – who had no other choice but to store them in her 1000-square-foot condo.

 Cluttered Living in A Hoarded Household

Julie became overwhelmed by the number of items that she had to store in her condo, it was not only her father’s items – but her grandmothers’ items which had been stored at her father’s house for over 20 years. What makes discarded items so difficult to throw out, is the level of sentimentality that is attached to these items. Yet, when a living environment becomes overly cluttered – the joy and enjoyment that comes from hoarded these items become diminished. After 15 years of living in her condo, she felt like she has never fully moved into her own house, having never been able to unpack properly.

 Brandon considers Julie’s house to still be in good condition, and that Julies situation is not an extreme form of hoarding. It is for this reason that Julie feels that it is important to deal with this issue head-on now before the situation gets too dire. Therefore, she reached out to LifeCycle Transitions, so that she can finally feel comfortable and happy in her home.

 What Is Involved in Hoarder Clean-Up Assistance?

LifeCycle Transitions assist individuals and families who are experiencing the fallout from years of hoarding. In extreme cases, houses become unliveable, and their inhabitants fall into despair. Yet, Brandon and his expert team focus their work on guiding people on a lifestyle transition away from hoarding. In the case of Julie, the transition team decided to sanitize and declutter her condo, returning her life and apartment to normality after so many years. With the help of Brandon and his expert team, Julie will finally be able to live her life without the stress of living in a cluttered environment.  

 Professional Hoarding Help From The Transition Expert

If you can relate to Julie’s situation or know someone that might schedule your free transition assessment today. To learn more about how LifeCycle Transitions changes lives, listen to our podcast which discusses real-life challenges as people adjust to lifestyle transitions.



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