Healthy Home Preparation
Home can be a dangerous place
If you or a loved one is returning home from the hospital or a rehab center, you may benefit from this service, which assures that your home has the repairs and atmosphere to help you continue on your way to a speedy recovery. We can eliminate tripping hazards, install safety features, or do any number of fix-ups that will make your home the best place for you to recover.
Many homes contain one or more of these potentially dangerous characteristics:
- Tripping hazards such as throw rugs, loose flooring, uneven floors, extension cords, small pets, or short steps.
- Steep stairways without proper handrails.
- Excessive clutter that prevents proper cleaning and ventilation of the home.
- Poor lighting that increases the likelihood of falls.
- Our Healthy Home Prep specialists can prepare your home before you arrive so that you’re in an environment that will help you recover.
Benefits of recovering at home
Why choose us
Our in-person quote process allows us to thoroughly assess each person's situation and formulate an action plan that carefully and effectively provides support for every need.
Share your details below and schedule your transition assessment today.