The Transition Expert:

Our Upcoming Educational & Motivational Events

Information about motivational speaking services in the fields of home clean-outs, home cleaning, home repair, home acquisitions, relocation, assisted living research, home care research, and hoarding.

DEC 7: "Declutter your home once and for all" | Houston, TX | 7PM CDT

JAN 29: "Relocating without going crazy" | Boston, MA | 5 PM EDT

FEB 16: "10 secrets of keeping your house clean" | New York, NY | 6:30 PM EDT

FEB 28: "Why you keep hoarding and how to stop" | Quincy, MA | 5 PM EDT

MAR 12: "Selling your home quickly: mission impossible?" | Boston, MA | 5 PM EDT

Why choose us

Our in-person quote process allows us to thoroughly assess each person's situation and formulate an action plan that carefully and effectively provides support for every need.

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